1·To them, currency revaluation is a proxy for reducing the trade deficit to zero -or better yet, turning it into a surplus.
2·To them, currency revaluation is a proxy for reducing the trade deficit to zero - or better yet, turning it into a surplus.
3·Analysts say that a currency revaluation by itself will not necessarily make China's exports significantly less competitive or rein in China's dependence on its export industry.
4·Deflation is caused by shortage in currency supplying far less to meet the need of circulation of commodities, which caused currency revaluation and market prices keeping going down accordingly.
5·The currency has been allowed to appreciate by 25 per cent since a landmark revaluation in 2005, which is what the central bank official was probably referring too.
6·The Sub-Committee also recommended that the net interest payable or receivable and revaluation gains or losses on interest rate swaps should be included in the Currency Board Account.
7·Given these other factors and the limited usefulness of a higher currency it would be bold to bet on another big revaluation.
8·Meanwhile, changes in the local-foreign currency interest rate spread in 2007 and expectations of a RMB revaluation aggravated the disequilibrium in the balance of payments.